Human rights

By Oriasotie E. Mirabel, JS 2A

Every human is entitled to certain rights. These are the benefits or protections which individuals enjoy from the government, their parents or the society. Without some form of protection, we may not be able to survive even from birth and to the harshness or difficulties of life.

Individuals on their own cannot provide for themselves all the protection they need. Security agents are to protect us from danger, and other things that may threaten our lives, happiness, and development. 

The need for such protection is reflected in most cultures and legal systems. Human rights are, therefore, those benefits, provisions, and protection offered to us in our social environment so that we can survive and live a happy life. 

It is believed that all people, wherever that may live, have the same basic needs and therefore deserve human rights.

There are many types of rights including the following;

1. Constitutional Rights, the Nigerian constitution provides for the following rights for Nigerian citizens.

a. Right to life

b. Right to freedom of movement

c. Right to freedom of speech and expression

d. Right to freedom of association

e. Right not to be arrested or imprisoned unjustly

2. Human Rights

As members of society, we depend on the government, our families, and others.

f. Right to the dignity of the human person

g. Right to fair hearing

h. Right to freedom from torture

i. Right not to be discriminated against

j. Right to liberty

k. Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

l. Right to equal treatment.

Government should not discriminate against any Nigerian for any of these reasons:

  i. State of origin

  ii. Ethnic group

  iii. Religious belief

 iv. Gender (male or female)

  v. Political beliefs or association

  vi. Social class (how rich/poor you are)

 vii. Status at birth (such as whether your parents were legally married or not)

 viii. The language or dialect you speak.

3. Economic, social, and cultural Rights: Every Nigeria is entitled to the following rights:

a. Right to own property: Provided the property is acquired through lawful means, for example, the government may seize any individual’s property acquired by stealing public money, or gotten from dealing in hard drugs such as cocaine.

b. Right to work: Every Nigeria is entitled to work under satisfactory conditions including a safe environment and with adequate wages and salaries.

c. Right to education: Every Nigeria child has the right to education. This means it is against the right of children for their parents to send them to hawk things on the streets or in the market when they are supposed to be in school.

d. Right to good health: The government is required to provide affordable health care services for all citizens.

e. Right to parental care: Parents are expected to protect children`s rights from birth by way of good feeding, clothing, and affection.

f. Political rights: Every Nigerian is entitled to the following political rights:

g. Right to register as voters, provided you are up to 18 years old.

h. Right to vote during elections provided you are up to 18 years old.

i. Right to vote for a candidate of your choice.

j. Right to be voted for.

k. Right to participate in political activities and government.

Oriasotie is of JSS Mpape, Abuja.

By Teen Trust News

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