How you can contribute to save the environment

Cleaning up the existing damage to our environment and preventing further destruction is a huge job. As one person, especially a young person, can make a difference. But you can make a difference, starting with changing some simple everyday habits and working with others to spread the word about the importance of protecting the environment.

Here are ways you can contribute to save the environment

Take shorter showers

A dripping faucet can waste 3,000 gallons a year, about the same amount you can save by halving your daily shower time.

It seem like water is cheap and abundant, but access to clean water is an issue for billions of people around the world. Increasing demand for water also affects rivers and lakes (and what lives there) by reducing levels, changing water flow with dams and reservoirs, and introducing chemicals and waste products.

Turn the lights off

Ask your family to set the furnace temperature lower and the air conditioner higher. Sweaters, open windows and fans will work just fine most days.

Unplug appliances that are not being regularly used. Many electronic devices still draw power even when turned off, sometimes known as “vampire” energy drain.

Many states now allow residents to choose their energy supplier. Talk to your family about choosing a supplier that produces electricity with less pollution, via solar, wind, and other options.

Buy eco-friendly products

Seek out products that do not test on animals and do not contain chemicals that require big CAUTION or WARNING notices on the label. There are increasing numbers of products called “natural” or “organic” available, but it never hurts to look at the labels.

Donate old clothes, toys, electronics, etc

Just because you don’t want them anymore doesn’t mean someone else wouldn’t be happy to have them. People always seem to assume that all teens need to have the newest everything and discard perfectly good things that are no longer “cool” enough. Prove them wrong.

By Teen Trust News

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