Meet teen that builds miniature Borno flyover with mud

Musa Sani, 13, has used mud to sculpt a mini design of the Borno State’s first flyover at Customs Roundabout, Maiduguri.

He is a pupil of Abba Kyari Quran Memorization and Integrated School located at the Sabon Layi area of Gwange in Maiduguri, Borno State, where he studied Quran memorization, Islamic studies and conventional primary education.

For his ingenuity in using mud to replicate the flyover, the 13-year-old has received N5 million from Governor Babagana Zulum for his education at the Golden Olive Academy in Maiduguri.

Musa’s father, Sani Idris, was a commercial taxi driver for many years in Maiduguri before becoming a commercial tricycle driver due to the austere economic situation. He has to source for a means of survival for a family of eight children.

The tricycle is also now being used to transport Musa from their area to his new school.

Musa told Daily Trust Saturday that he has deep interest and passion for drawing, as well as sculpting objects and structures with mud. “As I grew up, I noticed that I have immense love for writing, sketching and drawing. I also use mud to mould things I fancy.”

Musa explained, “Nobody taught me how to draw or use mud to sculpt, either in school or anywhere else. I believe Allah bestowed on me the talent to observe things and objects in the environment and then replicate them through painting or building them. I am grateful to Allah for this gift and also the scholarship given to me by the state government to have a good education.”

Musa said, “What inspired me to build structures was the love for construction of important infrastructure around the environment where I live. From my imagination, I used mud to sculpt a flyover which did not exist anywhere because I like flyovers more than other buildings and edifices.”

By Teen Trust News

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