Tips on how to become an astronomer

Tips on how to become an astronomer

By Chidimma C. Okeke

 What is astronomy?

Astronomy is the study of the stars, planets and galaxies that make up our universe. It can be a challenging and rewarding career that could lead to amazing discoveries about the way space works.

If you have a passion for the night sky, you can translate that into a career as an astronomer by getting good grades in Physics and Mathematics.

You should then develop the skills and experience necessary to land a good professional position as an astronomer at an observatory or even a space agency like the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Get the necessary education

You need work hard to get good grades in subjects like Physics, Mathematics, English and Chemistry. Earning high grades will give you a good foundation for the study of astronomy.

You can also put in extra time on these subjects, either by studying at extra time or getting a lesson tutor to help you earn better marks.

Earn a bachelor’s degree in science, with a focus on astronomy or physics.

Take a four-year degree in science, majoring in Astronomy or Physics. This degree will teach you key skills and prepare you for a career as an astronomer.

Getting a master’s degree in science will also be an added advantage as it will give you a chance to do research in the field.  As part of your master’s degree, you will also write a master’s thesis that explores a specific topic or idea in astronomy.

Develop your skill and experience

Study the universe with a telescope

Get a telescope with a big aperture and a wide range of magnification so you can see the stars, the moon, and the galaxies in the universe. Study the universe with the telescope on a regular basis so that you become familiar with the many celestial bodies in the sky.

Join an astronomy club or society

Learn more about astronomy by joining an astronomy club at your school or an astronomy society in your area. This will allow you to meet others interested in astronomy and focus more on your goal of becoming an astronomer.

Learn how to use science-related software programmes

Take a class on chemistry, physics, or mathematical software programmes so that you can become proficient at using them.

Get better at working in a team

Participate in class discussions at school or create a study group where you meet and work as a team on assignments. You will need to be able to function well in a team to be an astronomer, as astronomers often work with their peers and other scientists on projects in the field.

Improve your writing and public speaking skills

Astronomers do more than just stare at the sky all day. They also communicate their ideas and discoveries with their peers and the public. You will need to write about your studies and be comfortable speaking to the public about them as well.

By Teen Trust News

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