The person I admire most

By Nabila Abdulrahman, SS3

The person I admire the most is Dr Benjamin Carson. He is an Emeritus Professor of Neurosurgery, Oncology, Plastic Surgery and Paediatrics at the John Hopkins School of Medicine.

He is a syndicated columnist, bestselling author, and renowned inspirational and motivational speaker.

I admire Dr Benjamin Carson for so many reasons. He learned how to identify, choose and live with acceptable risk. He has been a risk-taker from childhood and today, he takes risks daily. 

Dr Benjamin Carson got involved in numerous complicated and miraculous surgeries, succeeded in some and disappointed in others. It is as a result of this that he came up with the principle known as the “B/WA” (Best/Worst Analysis). The analysis includes who, what, where, when, how, and why things happened. With this, he came up with yet another simple but ticklish question to himself which he applied to whatever he would do in real-life situations. The four questions are:

1. What is the best thing that could happen if I do this?

2. What is the worst thing that could happen if I do this?

3. What is the best thing that could happen if I don’t do this?

4. What is the worst thing that could happen if I don’t do this?

It is these four questions that he used in solving almost all the problems that came his way. Others like me also adopted the same way ever since coming across it. I know you too can.

Again, to Carson, life is a risk. He stated this when he explained how he looked at life and why God put us on earth in one of his books. He listed all that surrounded man and the risk in dealing or not dealing with them.

He is a religious person and often believes that there is only one God: the creator of all creators, despite being a Christian. Mr Carson is of the belief that our brains can do anything any other person can do.

Nabila is of Al-Iman School Bauchi.

By Teen Trust News

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