Speech by student representative council leader

Speech by student representative council leader

By Yasmin Abubakar

Good morning, our dear members of the Senior Management Team, our wonderful parents, esteemed teachers, honored guests, and my fellow students. My name is Yasmin Abubakar and it is an absolute privilege to stand before you today as the voice of the student body of Lead British International School, I take this responsibility seriously, knowing that I represent a community of talented, diverse, and passionate individuals. Today, I don’t just speak for myself, I speak for all.

Before I go any further, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who believed in me and voted for me. Your trust and confidence mean the world, and I promise to work tirelessly to live up to the responsibility you’ve given me. I’m not just here because of a title, I’m here because your voices matter and deserve to be heard, I’m here because of your ideas, and your desire for positive change. Together, we will make sure that this year is one where everyone is heard, valued, respected, and empowered.

As students, we are the heart beat of this school. We bring life, creativity, and energy to its hallways, class rooms, playgrounds, and assembly. But, we are also the future, the leaders, thinkers, and change makers of tomorrow. It is important to recognize that our journey here is not just about grades, and exams but it’s about growth, personal, social and academic.

As your SRC Speaker, my mission is clear, to make sure every student’s voice is heard, valued and respected. That no one feels overlooked or undervalued. I will work with my other SRC members to ensure we make this school a place where everyone feels empowered to thrive. We want to create a culture of inclusivity, where diversity is not just respected but celebrated.

As we move forward I’d like to remind my other fellow prefects that they each have a responsibility and promise to fulfill, I’d also like to remind them that if for any reason anyone refuses to fulfill their responsibilities or meet up with the expectations, I Yasmin Abubakar, I’m in the position to de-badge and take away your power. Whatever we do I’d like us to remember that we are leaders of this prestige school, I’d like us to also not forget that we are stronger together, So let’s lift each other up, hold ourselves to the highest standards, and push beyond our limits, our potential is limitless, but it is up to us to unlock it.

This year we have very exciting plans in store but we can’t do this alone, we need your ideas, your energy and your passion. Every one of us has something to contribute and by coming together we can truly make a difference.

In conclusion I’d like to leave you with this:”The only limit to our greatness is the one we place ourselves”, so let’s break those limits ( while still respecting school rules and regulations ) exceed our expectations and build something extraordinary this year, together, we will create a future we all deserve, LET’S MAKE THIS YEAR THE BEST ONE YET.

Thank you so much and enjoy the rest of the event.


Yasmin is Speaker Students Representative Council, Lead British International School, Abuja


By Teen Trust News

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