
Smoking is one evil that is openly perpetuated. It is common to see youths of all ages smoke in universities, polytechnics, and also in our secondary schools. It should be curbed and very fast too before it gets into the primary and nursery schools. 

 This habit has deeply got into many families where you see parents and their children smoking. The children no longer hide it. How do you tell a boy of ten years not to smoke when the father and mother smoke?  

Smoking isn’t as attractive as it seems. It has been medically proved to cloud your eyes, cause bad health, blacken the teeth, cause tiredness, etc., thereby killing the cells in the body and ultimately putting your organs out of use; discolouring the skin of the fingertips, and lips, and also causes cancer. 

 In conclusion, youth all over the world should learn to say ‘NO ‘ when being tempted into it, refuse it! Smoking kills, it may not be as fast as you think, but it’s as deadly as it sounds. You are not missing out on anything if you don’t smoke. 

 Parents should quit smoking and let our youth and children follow. This country of ours should breed intellectually successful individuals, and wonderful children and not chimneys.


Abdulhamid M. Tajuddeen is of Kano Capital Boys Secondary School Kano, Kano State

By Teen Trust News

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