Importance of knowledge for children, youth

By Abdussamad Mas’ud Umar  

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition, of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training and directives research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of the educationists but learners may also educate themselves. 

Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or act may be considered educational. The methodology or teaching is called pedagogy. 

    Education is commonly divided formally into such steps as primary and secondary schools, college, and university or apprenticeship.         Education is the single most important thing in the world. It gives us knowledge of the world around us and changes into something better. It develops in us a perfection of looking at life. It helps us to build opinions and have points of view of things in life. people debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge.

 Investing in education yields significant development. Education reduces poverty, boosts economic growth and increases income. It ensures a person’s chance of having a healthy life, reducing maternal death, and combating diseases such as HIV/AIDS. 

 Education is fundamental to development and growth. The human mind makes possible all development achievements, from health advice and agriculture innovation to efficient public administration and private sector growth. For countries to reap these benefits fully, they need to unleash potential of the human mind and there is no better tool for doing so than education. 

    Twenty years ago, government officials and development partners met to affirm the importance of education in development on broadly improving people’s lives and together declared education for all as a goal. But enrolments have remained disappointingly low and many have remained left behind because growth, development, and skills that people acquire, not with the number of years that they spent in the classroom. 


Abdussamad Mas’ud Umar is of Rumfa College Kano, Kano State

By Teen Trust News

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