Fashion mistakes teenager make

Your style changes so much between middle school and college that of course, they’re going to be some regrettable outfit choices along the way. Everyone has them! But avoiding these common fashion mistakes will help you own your style.

You spend all your money on the newest trendy clothes and accessories. If you’re constantly buying fast trends that go out of style the next season, you’ll end up with a closet full of stuff you never actually wear. Instead, balance a few new trendy pieces each season with classic items you’ll wear forever, like a goes-with-everything dress and a pair of jeans you love.

You wear whatever your friends are wearing, even if it’s not really your style. Sure, it’s much easier to just fall in line with what everyone at school is wearing, but it’s much more fun to stand out with your own personal vibe. It might take you a while to figure out, but if you only buy and wear what YOU like, you’ll feel so much more confident, and over time, you’ll start to develop your own unique style.

You buy clothes that don’t fit because you’re worried about the size on the tag. You might be one size in one store and a totally different size in another. It doesn’t mean anything, except that stores can’t get their sizes straight! Don’t even look at the size, and instead pay attention to how it fits. You’ll look and feel your best when you’re wearing something that fits you well, regardless of what’s on the tag. And if you’re really worried about anyone else seeing what’s on the tag, just cut it out!

You wear shoes that KILL your feet. No matter how gorgeous a pair of heels are, if you can’t walk in them, then they aren’t worth it. Flats are just as cute and won’t stop you from running around all day and showing off the rest of your cute outfit.

You have no idea what’s in your closet because it’s so messy. Cleaning out your closet is a huge pain, but you’ll spend half as much time finding something to wear in the mornings if you can actually see all your clothes. Ditch whatever you don’t love or doesn’t fit you well, and only keep what you’re excited to wear every day.

You’re afraid to experiment with your style. Everyone has regrettable fashion moments It’s totally part of finding your style. If you don’t try out different looks, how will you ever figure out what works and doesn’t work for you? Plus, fashion is supposed to be fun, and what’s “in” and what’s “out” is constantly changing. So, don’t be afraid to take some chances. 

By Teen Trust News

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