EduTech launches students’ financing solution

From Christiana T. Alabi, Lagos

One of the leading providers of e-learning platforms in Nigeria, EduTech has launched its student financing solution named EduCollect.

The education financing gateway aggregates funders to provide loans to students of various academic institutions. 

Created for both students and guardians, the product facilitates, secure loans to allow students continue with their studies without the added pressure of bulk or upfront payments. 

The General Manger of EduTech, Femi Shonubi explained that as a pioneer in the education financing space in Nigeria, EduCollect will provide unparalleled access to short-term loans with a convenient repayment regime at some of the lowest interest rates in the market without any collateral. 

“EduCollect provides access to educational loans without collateral and relatively low interest rates. It also allow students to secure educational loans, to enable them have access to quality education. This aligns with our vision to bridge the gap between demand for and access to quality education through the process of decentralizing the traditional method of learning,” he said.

He noted that interested students can secure their education via EduCollect by following three simple steps, which include initiating course registration on the student portal, select the loan payment option at checkout; fill out the application form, upload relevant documents, submit and await feedback from EduTech financial partner and lastly, upon loan approval, payment is made to student’s institution while he/she can proceed to complete registration with the loan reference number.

Commenting on the prospects and challenges of online learning, Shonubi said that EduTech has been able to reduce the cost of bandwidth to support students’ online connectivity, adding that, the online programme was also able to eliminate challenges of hostel accommodation for campus students and the challenges of transportation for off-campus students, since they could have virtual online studies with their lecturers from the comfort of their homes.

Shonubi further stated that EduTech has demonstrated its ability to deliver a robust learning experience with the announcement of the successful induction of graduates of its Bachelor of Nursing Science programme with the Obafemi Awolowo University Center for Distance Learning (OAU CDL); with two of the graduates bagging first-class degrees. 

By Teen Trust News

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