Your future lies in your hands

By Iwuji Maryjane JS2

A student is a person studying at a university, college, or school. Although someone who studies and learns but not necessarily in an institution – a university, college, or school – is also referred to as a student. While the future means time still to come.

Some students who are in school misuse opportunities given to them while those students learning but not in any institution acquire things that can make them succeed. When the opportunity is given to them they don`t misuse it. Students that are not serious do different kinds of things in school, at home and in many places.

The activities carried out by such students include:

§ Staying away from school/classes: These types of students, while their parents are working hard to pay their school fees and also thanking God that their children are in school studying, they instead hang out outside the school premises. Some of the girls are with boyfriends which will destroy their future.

§ Stealing: These types of students steal, thereby taking the path of future criminals. Most of them deal on drugs and jumping fences etc. If you do not know, your future lies in your hands; or do you want to become thieves, prostitutes, armed robbers, kidnappers, drug addicts and traffickers? etc. They are destroying their future because of such activities.

§ For the girls, be warned because I know none of you wants to become a nursing mother at a tender age; backing a baby and hawking in order to survive. Please stay away from boyfriends and other men who come to you. 

Take this piece of advice and your future which lies in your hands will be wonderfully accomplished.

Iwuji is of JSS Mpape, Abuja.

By Teen Trust News

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