Save Mother Earth

Save Mother Earth

By Chimzara Amobi-Ogum

Mother earth is our home. She allows us to cut her trees and burn her forests. She allows that because we need shelter. She doesn’t stop us from using her trees to make papers, tissues and rubber. We kill her and she grows again and again. People think that wars only affect the people but never think about nature. We always inflict pain on her but she never reacts but takes the pain. When she reacts, wild fire consumes people, the rains fall incessantly and floods engulf towns, leaving devastation in their wake. Hurricanes batter coastlines, while droughts parch the earth, reminding us that Mother Earth has her limits. She endures our neglect and abuse, yet she continues to provide. But her resilience should not be mistaken for infinite patience.

We often overlook the deep connections between our actions and their impacts on the environment. Wars ravage not just human lives but also ecosystems, disrupting habitats and endangering species. As we exploit her resources, we risk the balance of life itself. Each forest destroyed, each river polluted, brings us closer to a point of no return.

It’s time to take responsibility. We must cherish and protect our planet, treating her not as a resource to be plundered but as a precious home that sustains us. Simple actions—reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting sustainable practices—can collectively lead to meaningful change.

Let us advocate for policies that prioritize the health of our environment and commit to restoring the damage we’ve done. By working together, we can heal Mother Earth, ensuring that she thrives for generations to come. The future of humanity depends on our ability to protect the only home we have.

Chimzara is of Premier International School, Wuse, Abuja


By Teen Trust News

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